Our JourneyTalks Series #12|Sakulthip from NISE CorpAbout the Talk The guest for this session is Sakulthip Kiratiphantawong who is the co-founder of NISE Corp. & Secretary General Social...
Our JourneyTalks Series #10|Anita Su from Smallsteps.greenAbout the Talk The guest for this session is Smallsteps Green run by Anita Su! She sells eco-friendly, zero-waste products to help you...
Environmental (E)Enterprise Tree Planting ESG Outcome - Synopsys, From Leadership Training to Planting Sustainable CommitmentSynopsys, Inc., headquartered in California, is the world's number one EDA Electronic Design Automation manufacturer; as an innovative...
Our JourneyTalk Series #5|Jamie Lewis from Saint Lewis BreweryAbout the Talk Saint Lewis Brewery is a start-up drink company based in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. They sell sorrel, a Caribbean drink made with...
Environmental (E)What is Tree Carbon Power? Is it edible?Have you ever felt utterly dismayed when you see news about unscrupulous entities massively deforesting or governments clearing trees...
Environmental (E)Innovative Practice of Sustainable Development Action: DOMI Injects Sustainable DNA into EnterprisesIn recent years, the trend of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) demonstrates that society expects enterprises to undertake not only...